From Our CEO
Dear Customers, Employees, Suppliers, and Investors, Chroma Color Corporation has continuously tracked our financial and operatingperformance to ensure our business is acting responsibly with our customers,employees, suppliers, and investors. In today’s complex and changing world, we knew we needed to go even further toensure the company could thrive going forward. Several months ago, our senior leadership team evaluated all current operation andmanufacturing practices to establish a solid Environmental, Social, and Governance(ESG) roadmap. As a result, everyone contributed to developing new initiatives toreduce our carbon footprint, added innovative programs to support our employees andlocal communities, and decided on measurements to track the accomplishment for2022. Our Chroma Color Board Members have committed to support these programs. Inaddition, they will share our ESG results with our investor Arsenal Capital frequently. I am impressed by the entire Chroma Color team and what they have been able toalready to accomplish. I am very optimistic that we will achieve our ESG goals for 2022and stay committed to making the world better for our children and their children. In the following pages, you will find Chroma Colors Environment, Social, andGovernance ESG Roadmap for 2022. If you require any further information, feel free tocontact me. Sincerely,Shruti Singhal
Chroma Color Corporation is a leading specialty colorconcentrate supplier serving diverse markets, including wireand cable, packaging, healthcare, pharmaceutical, consumerproducts, and others. With the recent acquisition of Epolin,Chroma is also the recognized leader in the near-infra-red(NIR) absorptive dye industry, producing proprietary blends tosuit the eye protection and light management sectors.
Chroma Color’s growth strategy includes robust organic andinorganic growth through nine acquisitions over five years2017 – 2021. Chroma’s extensive technical leadership andmanufacturing expertise, coupled with its game-changingcolorant, has delighted customers for more than 50 years. Foradditional information, please visit www.chromacolors
At Chroma Color we are committed to providing a Safe and Healthy Work Place for our Employees, Customers and Suppliers. In our communities, we strive to be Environmental Leaders.
Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) are Priorities at Chroma and are woven in to how We work Every Day. It begins with a firm belief that All Injuries are Preventable and that Compliance with Regulations is expected by all Employees.
Through our “Drive for Zero” Program we engage employees daily in Health and Safety through sharing Best Practices, Learning Sessions and apply the principles of Stop, Think and Ask for all tasks.
Additionally, Processes are in place for assessing Safe Behaviors and reporting at risk conditions for timely resolution.
In 2021 Chroma Color Corporation Earned A Bronze Rating from Eco Vadis
Operations Excellence is core to our Manufacturing Facilities. Key Process Indicators (KPI’s) help guide Chroma Color with respect to deploying people and capital Investment where we can drive Improvements.
These KPI’s are balanced in terms EHS, Customer Experience, Quality and Productivity.
We Assist Our Customers to Reach Their Company’s Sustainability Goals
Using Chroma Color’s Technical Solutions that Deliver Commercial Results
Second Chance:
Chroma Color partners with local correctional facilitiesto provide incarcerated individuals training & gainfulemployment. We currently have active second chanceprograms in our Salisbury, NC and Delaware, OH andMcHenry, Il facilities working with individuals who aregetting their life back on track after having had sometype of incarceration. Upon completion of their judicialobligations, many have become full time ChromaColor Team members.
Listen to this podcast to learn more:
Company Donation Matching:
Chroma Color matches donationsemployees raise for “causes” thathelp their local communities up to amaximum of $ 250. Three sites tookadvantage of this program in 2021.As we gain experience, we will beevaluating increasing the amountmatched.
Charitable Giving:
Chroma Color will donate up to $100 per person, $ 500 per locationfor a “charitable organization”(501.3.c) excluding political causes. The company donates to acharitable organization proposed bythe employee (via application).· Aswe gain experience, we will beevaluating increasing the amountoffered.
Ethics 800# hotline andConfidential Email Program:
Any employee can report anyconcern either by # 800number or email on aconfidential basis. We haveflyers posted visibly (as well ason our HR intranet) at everylocation encouragingemployees to bring forwardany concerns they may haveabout anything.Everyemployee also participates inour annual Code of Conducttraining with the CHRO.
Emergency Relief Funds During Times ofCrises:
At different times, Chroma Color offersEmergency Relief assistance based onneed. In 2020, Chroma processed close to30 relief applications based on COVIDfinancial need. Similarly, Chroma providedan IDA Relief Fund in 2021 ($ 2,500 foremployees negatively impacted by thehurricane).
“Biggest Loser Contests
In the Fall of 2021 close to 50 employees (10% of ourworkforce) completed the program achieving anaverage weight loss on average of 7.1 lbs. per person. We have had similar participation in the Biggest Loser 2contest we launched in January 2022, The 2022program ends in April. Three winning teams earnKUDOS points to order from the
Wellness Programs
The company provides many wellness programs foremployees. Including an EAP (Employee AssistanceProgram) which provides five free visits (even if notenrolled in our medical programs) per topic, foremployees and family members. Also available, areresources such as Tobacco Cessation programs andthe company provides a health care employeepremium discount for those who are “tobacco free”.
KUDOS is a recognition program thatprovides any employee the opportunity torecognize a colleague who “goes above andbeyond”. Points are awarded to amerchandise website. In 2020, there were 107nominations (partial year). In 2021, we had204 awarded out of 475 employees.
Chroma Color Senior Leaders & Board of Director are committed to always act in the best interests of the company. We will help implement innovative ways to improve performance, reduce risk, grow responsibly, and maintain a positive reputation with our customers.
Learn more:
3900 W Dayton St.
McHenry, IL 60050-8378
Main: 815-385-8100
Phone: 877-385-8777
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