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Jennifer Presnell, Quality & Regulatory Affairs, one of the distinguished winners of the Plastics News Sustainability Leaders Award

Chroma Color Notable Leaders In Sustainability Jennifer Presnell

The leadership team at Chroma Color Corporation is delighted to announce the recognition of Jennifer Presnell, Quality & Regulatory Affairs, as one of the distinguished winners of the Plastics News Sustainability Leaders in the Plastics Industry award! To qualify for this award, nominees must lead sustainability initiatives at their organization and make a measurable impact on the environment through their efforts. They must also demonstrate leadership through involvement in professional organizations and civic and community initiatives.

Jim Walsh, VP of Technologies at Chroma Color, remarked, “We are pleased that Plastics News acknowledges the efforts of individuals contributing to the sustainability of plastics companies. Our entire Chroma Color team has been diligently working towards becoming a reliable sustainable partner for our customers, with Jennifer at the forefront of our initiatives. This year, we witnessed the tangible outcomes of her dedication as we progressed from an EcoVadis Bronze medal to a Silver Medal in 2023, which is why she earned our nomination.”

In emphasizing the importance of responsibility and education, Jennifer stated, “We must be accountable for our actions and strive to educate ourselves, our customers, and the communities we serve for a better collective future. Progress is achieved one step at a time, building on each improvement.” She expressed pride in rallying the company management and employees to establish their sustainability program, which, despite being in its early stages, has already secured an EcoVadis Silver Medal. With ongoing efforts and active projects, the company is committed to reaching its sustainability goals while prioritizing the well-being of its employees and the broader community.

The Chroma Color team extends heartfelt congratulations to Jennifer, expressing gratitude for her steadfast commitment to steering the company towards a more sustainable future.

Click here learn more about Chroma Color’s sustainability efforts:

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